Amaju Melvin Pinnick, chairman of the Nigerian Football Federation, has been appointed by the Confederation African Football (CAF) as chairman of two high-profile institutional committees. NFF boss will oversee the African Cup National Committee, who will be responsible for organizing all national cups. Former CAF President Issa Hayatou presided over the last AFCON committee. Pinnick also served as the mainland media committee leadership. In addition, Kwesi Nyantakyi, President of the Ghana Football Association, was appointed as the second vice president of CAF and a permanent member of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. SAFA President Danny Jordan served as Chairman of CAF Marketing and Television Committee, and former Zambia FA President and African Football Legends, Kalusha Bwalya is Chairman of CAF Technology and Development Committee. Of recent, Amaju Pinnick was appointed into the world football governing body, FIFA committee, Organization for committee for co...